Why I Pay Close Attention to Premarket Activity

December 26, 2020
The End of the Year Doesn't Mean the End of Your Returns
2020 can be summed up in one word: "Chaos."

Buying and holding wasn't the safest play as the historic year led to historic volatility… and gains.

But those gains don't need to stop as we enter 2021. That's why trading experts Roger Scott and James West have been working hard on getting their third annual Turning Point event ready for you.

With this strategy, they'll show you how to rotate your positions for maximum gains every two weeks.
You Don't Want to Miss Out
Why I Pay Close Attention
to Premarket Activity
Markets might not open until 9:30 EST, but I complete some of my most important market analysis before that time.

You see, prior to the market opening, I look at three charts. Every morning, they tip me off to where the market might be headed and set the tone for the trading day.

If you're not using premarket data you're likely leaving a lot of money on the table…

So I'll tell you why I wake up extra early every morning, what I look at and how it helps me stay ahead of the game.
See How You Can Get Ahead
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you to Roger Scott emails
Figuring Out Fibonacci
Some investors call it the "Golden Ratio"…

But we call it our "Trading Hail Mary." It's one of the only tools we like to use when we want to minimize our risk in a trade while maximizing our profits.

So, what the heck are Fibonacci numbers? While it may sound like an Italian pasta, this trading strategy could help you predict the perfect entry and exit timing for your next trade.

Fibonacci numbers were developed hundreds of years ago and are used by investors to create technical indicators. They look something like this:

0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55 and so on.

These numbers can be broken down into ratios and used to our advantage, but there's a lot we need to cover before that…
Find Out How It Works
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you to Live Trade Profit emails
Make Your Money —
Regardless of the President
Trading experts Roger Scott and James West were able to put together huge gains under President Donald Trump — especially in 2020.

Between them, they put together 554 winning trades that totaled an 1,831% net gain.

They're not ready to say goodbye to those results, and you shouldn't be either. That's why they developed a strategy for trading in 2021 under President-elect Joe Biden.

This strategy is built to maximize your returns, at less than 15% risk.

In this Turning Point event, they're giving away their strategy as well as some of their top picks for the new year.
You Don't Want to Miss This

"Roger, I started the service the beginning of August and love the results so far.  Thanks for all your training and insight.  I have learned a lot about successful trading. Sincerely,"

Jeff G.

The Squeeze is the central concept of Bollinger Bands®. When the bands come close together, constricting the moving average, it is called a squeeze. A squeeze signals a period of low volatility and is considered by traders to be a potential sign of future increased volatility and possible trading opportunities. Conversely, the wider apart the bands move, the more likely the chance of a decrease in volatility and the greater the possibility of exiting a trade. However, these conditions are not trading signals. The bands give no indication when the change may take place or which direction price could move. John Bollinger suggests using them with two or three other non-correlated indicators that provide more direct market signals. He believes it is crucial to use indicators based on different types of data.
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Any performance results discussed herein represent past performance, are not a guarantee of future performance, and are not indicative of any specific investment.

Due to the timing of information presented, any investment performance reflected within this document may be adjusted after the publication and distribution of this material. There can be no assurance that the future performance of any specific investment, investment strategy, or product made reference to directly or indirectly in this communication will be profitable, be equal to any corresponding indicated historical performance levels or be suitable for your portfolio. Any investment results set forth in this document are not net of expenses and execution costs, nor do they account for other relevant trading or investment fees. Please visit wealthpress.com/terms for our full Terms and Conditions.

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