Shining a Spotlight on Hot Upcoming Sectors

February 22, 2021
Learn How To Spot These
Fast-Growing Small-Cap Stocks
Small-cap stocks have the potential to rally faster than their bigger, blue-chip cousins. And yet many people ignore this sector in favor of companies they're more familiar with.

But that's a huge mistake.

Right now, small caps look to be on the verge of a massive breakout. In fact, they've already allowed WealthPress Senior Strategist Roger Scott to signal impressive winners, like 118% on PFSI… 153% on DDD… and even 414% on CNE.  

Roger says the key to making these returns is learning how to spot small-cap "microbursts" before they happen… and then riding that momentum as the stock climbs higher.

He's even agreed to show us how he finds these little-known microbursts. Simply join his live webinar on Wednesday, Feb. 24 at 1 p.m. EST...
Save Your Seat Here
Shining a Spotlight on
Hot Upcoming Sectors
When it comes to informing you of potential market moves, WPTV can think of no one better qualified to inform you of the best investment strategies than WealthPress Senior Strategist Roger Scott.

Roger has made a career out of successfully maneuvering unpredictable market conditions, and he's joining us to cover the first trading quarter of 2021, how things are shaping up and how some of the investment opportunities he's predicting will present themselves in the upcoming quarter.

Roger says that the promise of another stimulus is one of the major factors running the stock market right now — Wall Street loves the equity it brings, it's driving stocks higher, bonds are breaking down and 85% of earnings have been better than expected.

However, Roger has discovered that market internals are extremely overextended right now.

The bottom line is that there are a lot of factors pointing toward the stock market soon entering the danger zone…
What Does This Mean for Future Investments?
Inflation and Bond Rates:
The Impact of the Fed
We've spent a lot of time talking about inflation lately, and as time goes on, inflation rises higher and higher. One big thing that isn't getting talked about enough is how rising inflation affects bond yields.

This week, WealthPress Senior Strategist Roger Scott and I sat down for our mid-week roundtable to discuss the rising inflation we're seeing… and how the Federal Reserve might be responsible for more than you think.

Look at what's happening in Texas right now, for example, with the deep freeze sending energy prices soaring. The Fed can't be blamed for the weather, but the inflation caused by its money-printing strategy had already made energy prices climb.

All the explosion needed was some kindling.
See What It Means for Bonds
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