Welcome to Joy of the Trade…

Hi guys, Jeff Zananiri here.

First of all, I want to thank you again for joining us and welcome you to Joy of the Trade.

My team tells me you're interested in quickly growing your trading account while sheltering your portfolio from outside market risk. And for that, you've come to the right place.

You see, I spent the first two decades of my career trading alongside the pros on Wall Street. While there, I quickly learned it didn't matter who your daddy was or what ivy-league school you had listed on your resume.

You earned what you deserved based on the transactions you made — period. And if you couldn't take the heat, there was a line of people a mile long who would gladly take your place.

This "forged in fire" mentality made me the trader that I am today. It also led me to some enormous gains throughout my career … like the time I made a million bucks in a single day.

And now that you're a Joy of the Trade reader, you have access to the decades' worth of trading tips and strategies I learned from my time on Wall Street.

Over the next few days, I'm going to send you a series of emails revealing my money-making secrets, including…

  • How to spot market opportunities no one else is talking about.

  • The tools you need to make life-changing gains.

  • The key to finally gaining a REAL edge over other Main Street traders.

And that's just naming a few of the topics you'll learn about in Joy of the Trade.
As a member of our trading community, you'll have access to a wide variety of videos and articles — along with actionable trades — that detail the same strategies I've used to grow my own accounts.

But first, a little about me.

I got my first real trading gig working with hedge fund Schonfeld Securities. The creator, Steven Schonfeld, is a billionaire now. In fact, he just bought one of the most expensive properties ever sold in Palm Beach, Florida.

Later, I worked for First New York — literally the kings of the prop trading world.

But it was at private hedge fund Pan Capital that I spent the most of my time. And it's where I discovered that trading was my life's greatest passion.

At Pan, I belonged to a small group of only six traders. But the six of us managed to go 10 straight years without posting a single losing quarter … all while turning $5.1 million into over $700 million.

Now, I'm not telling you this to brag. I simply want to show you that when it comes to Joy of the Trade, you're in good hands.

Not only am I going to teach you how to make more money than you ever thought possible, but I'm also going to show you how to have fun finding little-known market opportunities that other people have overlooked.

In a world where cost-cutting and supercomputers have killed the trading floor, finding profitable market opportunities is becoming a dying art.

And I want to pass this art on to you.

I truly believe that, by following Joy of the Trade, you'll grow to love the markets as much as I do. In the process, you'll earn the financial freedom to do whatever you want … whenever you want … and not have to answer to anyone but yourself.

In other words, my goal with this e-letter is to see you WIN.

It's why I started Joy of the Trade in the first place — and nothing will make me happier than to see you succeed.

Now that you know my own goal, I'd like to ask you a question…

What's your reason for following Joy of the Trade?

I'm being serious here. There's a reason each of us does this, and everyone's "why" is going to look a little different.

Once you learn the strategies I'm about to share with you — and you start trading alongside us here at Joy of the Trade — you'll see that your dreams aren't as far away as you initially thought.

That's not to say that trading will always be easy. It can often be anything but a smooth ride. But having this vision of your future will keep you grounded and remind you what the work is for.

And with the proven tools we use here at Joy of the Trade at your disposal, you'll be living your dream in no time.
Jeff Zananiri

A MarketWealth Publication

Disclaimer & Disclosures
The information in this email is intended for informational purposes only and does not guarantee specific results as there is a high degree of risk involved with trading. Also, our traders are real traders and may have financial interests in the companies discussed.  Please see our Terms and Conditions for more information.


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