2 Semiconductor Chip Stocks To Play the Shortage

Is your money at stake??

Published: April 10, 2021

The Most Shocking
Trading Discovery Yet

We have some great news for you, folks…

Wall Street legend Chuck Hughes has already helped traders around the globe reach their dreams.

But now he's revealing his most shocking discovery yet

Chuck's discovered a brand-new strategy to target weekly profit opportunities — regardless if the stock market is up, down or flat.

In fact, this is the formula that's helped him lock in a 96.3% win rate even when the markets are turbulent.

And now he's about to share it with the world for the first time ever…

Check It Out Now

Lance Ippolito

Lance is a professional trader and a successful entrepreneur with over 10 years of experience in the financial markets.

2 Semiconductor Chip
Stocks To Play the Shortage

Electric Vehicles

Semiconductor chip stocks have been at the center of everyone's attention lately...

You can thank the ongoing chip shortage impacting several industries including everything tech-related, and the automotive space for that one.

But more and more items involve chips to function every day… cars, TVs, refrigerators and now even microwaves rely on chips.

Just think about it

This is especially true with EVs becoming a part of our everyday lives. So in this video, WealthPress Senior Strategist Roger Scott thought he'd give you two of his favorite chip stocks that are picking up major momentum.

What Roger Has To Say

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Video game retailer GameStop, the meme "stonk" of the century so far, is back in the news with a planned "at the market" secondary share offering.

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Roblox: Is the Latest IPO Darling Still a Buy?

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Calling all traders and degenerates! Let's talk about the hype surrounding online gaming platform Roblox, and whether it's still a buy…

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A New Money Crew Publication

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