How to Filter the Good Trades From the Bad

Is your money at stake??

Published: April 18, 2021

The Biggest Trade of My Life...

Now I don't WANT to brag about this…

But on Oct. 22, I closed the biggest winner of my career.

The secret behind this unreal trade?

It's because of the incredible "Blockbuster Breakout Date" on Oct. 22…

And because of this single, explosive win...

I now trade these explosive "Breakout Dates" every week.

I'm showing a group of everyday traders how to spot these phenomenal trades... And their results have been nothing short of stunning.

Learn More Here

Lance Ippolito

Lance is a professional trader and a successful entrepreneur with over 10 years of experience in the financial markets.

How to Filter
Good Trades From Bad

When a slew of tickers hit the tape, it's important to be able to separate the good orders from the bad.

To be clear, just because I think an order may be a good one, it doesn't mean it's going to turn into a profitable trade.

But considering how I look at premiums and volume — among other factors — I've developed an approach over my trading career to help balance risk and reward to boost the probability of cashing out winning plays.

Risk management is the name of the game. That's how you make money as a trader in the long run… not just by being right or wrong. Because you can be right 100 times, risk everything on your next play… and lose everything in a flash.

And that's not how you profit from options trading.

Here's How It's Done

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Learning From a
$16K Loss — and Why
I Don't Regret It

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Guys, I'm sick. And it's not because I took it on the chin this week to the tune of about $16,000 in losses. I'm actually sick…

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A New Money Crew Publication

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