What’s Wrong With the Stock Market Right Now? Well, Everything…

June 27, 2021
Uncover Secrets From the
'Master Trader'
Decades of experience with top hedge funds like Bear Stearns have earned Joy of the Trade Head Trader Jeff Zananiri the nickname "The Master Trader."

He used this exact strategy with linked stocks to turn $5.1 million into over $700 million during his career on Wall Street.

And now he's giving Main Street traders all of the details on how they could use linked stocks to make big money off the markets!
Follow in His Footsteps
How a Fed Policy Change Upended Prices for Everything — and What to Do
Inflation in the U.S. is through the roof, and that's largely due to a recent policy change by the Federal Reserve…

The original goal of the Fed was to keep inflation in the U.S. around 2%. But over the past year, prices for certain commodities are up double and triple digits…

And the central bank just held its Federal Open Market Committee meeting… So in this video, we'll discuss what it said and why it's important for you and your bottom line…
Take a Look
What's Wrong With the Stock Market Right Now? Well, Everything…
The market looks rosy and bright for a lot of investors at the moment… But can you blame them? If the economy is growing strong, then the market will rebound in response. If the economy is weak, then the government will give people more free money.

However, things on Wall Street aren't moving like a finely tuned, well-oiled machine like they should… And it has WealthPress Senior Strategist Roger Scott and I scratching our heads, wondering what's wrong with the stock market right now.

We're seeing a lot of overstretched prices and insane moves up and down — have you seen what's been going on with crypto?

And none of this feels steady or stable enough to trade with confidence. The market is vulnerable and pricing in every piece of good news it can find in the world.

Which won't be good in the long run.
That's Not Even the Worst of It…
Don't Gamble that Nest Egg… Work to Double It With THIS Strategy!
Recent volatility has some investors acting like gamblers with their retirement funds. Chasing lost money… panic selling and buying... It's sad.

Casinos can be fun, but leave the gambling mentality at the door when trading.

If traders can keep their head on their shoulders… and work a solid plan, history shows that these markets are exactly where they can make their money.
Click Here for a Solid Strategy
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Short Selling (also known as "shorting," "selling short" or "going short") refers to the sale of a security or financial instrument that the seller has borrowed to make the short sale. The short seller believes that the borrowed security's price will decline, enabling it to be bought back at a lower price. The difference between the price at which the security was sold short and the price at which it was purchased represents the short seller's profit (or loss, as the case may be).
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