In a Data-Filled Short Week, This Is the Only News That Matters

November 26, 2021
We have a love/hate relationship when it comes to Black Friday…

We'd much rather be hanging out on the couch, watching sports, or maybe even playing golf…

But we're much more excited for Black Friday this year because two trading titans, Roger Scott and Jeff Zananiri, are joining forces and offering a deal with MEGA Black Friday savings.

This special offer provides TWO FREE Black Friday trades. Our favorite retail stocks to "gift" this year!

When you act today, you'll receive not one, but TWO annual memberships to both Roger and Jeff's flagship subscriptions, Monthly Money Flows and Overdrive Profit Alerts.
Get the Details Here
Will 'Travel-Palooza' Finally Send Sinking Travel Stocks Higher?
It's a holiday-shortened week with the markets closed Thursday and open just a half day on Friday…

Some in the media are calling this week "Travel-palooza" because so many people are taking trips after being locked down for the past year-plus. So what about travel-related stocks?

Wall Street is a reflection of Main Street. The more economic activity we have on Main Street, all things being equal, the higher earnings will be. Higher earnings typically mean higher stock prices. Though, we know that's not always the case...

Wall Street is also a forward-looking mechanism, so it often moves before the news.
Get the Details Here
Why Powell's Renomination as Fed Chair Is the Only News That Matters
There is a ton of meaningful economic data coming out this week... Under normal circumstances, that's where our focus would be.

But Monday morning's premarket announcement that Jerome Powell would — as expected — be nominated for another term as Chair of the Federal Reserve trumps all other news.

Markets initially jumped on the news Monday but then fell back to flattish.

But there's one "market" that has continued to absolutely rip… interest rates.
How Does It Affect Us?
"Thank you so much for your consolation. By the way, I always like you presentations, keep them up."


Technical Indicators, such as moving averages and Bollinger Bands®, are mathematically-based technical analysis tools that traders and investors use to analyze the past and predict future price trends and patterns. Technical traders rely on indicators to help interpret the market. The goal in using indicators is to identify trading opportunities. For example, a moving average crossover often predicts a trend change. In this instance, applying the moving average indicator to a price chart allows traders to identify areas where the trend may change.
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