Yesterday we talked about how crypto has to decide whether to ban Russia or whether to live up to its founding values.
Today, I’ll flip that on its head: crypto’s loyalty to its value is the reason it’s skyrocketing right now.
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If you read the newsletter yesterday, you heard me break down Bitcoin’s big problem with Russia.
Basically, they can either join the world in shutting off major Russian oligarchs from their crypto networks and exchanges, or they can remain true to their founding principles: keeping access to money decentralized.
So far, it seems like they’re staying true to their founding.
I’m not here to say whether that’s morally right or wrong.
But I think it’s going to be great for cryptocurrency overall, so let me explain why.
Over the past two weeks, we have seen two shocking power grabs by governments and financial institutions.
One you can argue for pretty strongly on a moral level, the other one folks have a harder time with.
First, it was the Canadian trucker protests. Canadian authorities threatened to (and actually did) freeze the assets of anyone who supported the protests.
That freaked people out in a big way.
Then, the world came together to cut off Russia from most of the international financial institutions as well.
While a lot more folks understand why they did that, it’s still a different branch from the same tree.
Both of those moves show the incredible power of these centralized institutions. And they’re a great argument for why crypto needs to exist.
In my opinion, that’s why BTC jumped 17% from Sunday into Tuesday.
Crypto investors are smart, and they know that it’s the natural alternative to government-controlled assets that can be shut off at a moment’s notice.
It’s also the logical next step in the “Age of Adoption.”
As people realize more and more the need for a non-centralized currency, I believe investors will continue to flock to crypto as an alternative.
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Daily Profit Publishing and Jeffry Turnmire do not provide investment advice. Trading involves a substantial risk of loss and is not suitable for all investors. Many traders fail and you should not trade with money you cannot afford to lose. If you need personal financial advice, consult a financial advisor.
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