What is the best stock market analysis tool and settings to use?
It’s one of the questions I get most from beginner traders… And after answering hundreds of similar questions, I decided to put this short tutorial together so you can see which tools to use and which to avoid.
So just keep in mind that the best tool for trending markets is probably the worst for choppy markets. And the best tool for choppy markets might be the worst for trending markets.
In other words, before you decide to use these tools, make sure you figure out if the market is trending or range-bound first.
The markets have been extremely volatile over the past few days… weeks… and months…
Hell, the VIX Volatility Index rose 14% on Tuesday, and is up another 15% at lunchtime on the East Coast on Wednesday.
And the abnormal moves we've seen have given people more opportunities to trade. Personally, I like the extra volatility. It means we’re in a “trader’s market.”
But not everyone loves the price action we’ve seen lately...
That’s why I want to share with you my favorite strategy — Money Flow Elite.
And the best part is, you don’t need to become a day trader to take advantage of it — at most, you’ll only need to enter and exit positions once a month.
In fact, I just entered nine new positions for the month of April…
New Money Crew Head Trader Lance Ippolito and an ex-CIA spy will expose the secretive insider signal behind corporate America’s record-breaking $69 billion in trading profits.
Discover what they’re calling the No. 1 Insider “Buy Signal.”
And how it’s pinpointed 80 unique stock rallies over the past two year!
According to Lance…
It’s practically the perfect signal to piggyback on the insane trades of the most powerful corporate American insiders.
“I want to say thank you for breaking this down into what I call users English…Makes it much easier to understand. As you put it I want to show you how to make LOTS OF MONEY in the stock market and that is it. I like to keep things simple and that is how you are laying it out. Have a happy holiday and a profitable new year in your new digs and thanks again for your help. Cheers,”
Bill M.
A Credit Spread is an option strategy involving the simultaneous buying and selling of options with different strike prices requiring a net inflow of cash. Here, the sum of all options sold is higher than the sum of all options purchased. The difference between the two premiums is a credit you receive, and it will be deposited in your brokerage account when you open the position. In most cases, the goal of a credit spread is to have both options expire worthless, retaining your credit as profit from the transaction.
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ABOUT US: We believe that the opportunity for financial literacy and freedom belongs to all people, not just those who already have years of investing experience. WealthPress provides an array of educational services and products that will help you navigate the markets and become a better investor. Trading is made simple through our online forum full of trading techniques to give you the best tools to kick-start your investing journey. We offer collaborative webinars and training; we love to teach. No matter the opportunity, we bring together a strong community of like-minded traders to focus on analyzing market news as it’s presented each day.
DISCLAIMER: FOR INFORMATION PURPOSES ONLY. The materials presented from Wealthpress LLC are for your informational purposes only. Neither Wealthpress nor its employees offer investment, legal or tax advice of any kind, and the analysis displayed with various tools does not constitute investment, legal or tax advice and should not be interpreted as such. Using the data and analysis contained in the materials for reasons other than the informational purposes intended is at the user’s own risk.
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