
It might be time to adjust your perspective…

It took me a while to be able to write about what I'm about to tell you.

As some of you know, I'm living in Southwest Florida.

When hurricane Ian hit, the damage was unimaginable.

Everyone I know who owned a home near the beach or on the river saw their home destroyed.

Visually shocking…

We drove over to help some friends gut the first floor of their home.

When I saw the road blocked by boats that were washed up hundreds of yards from the beach, I knew it was going to be bad.

The county sheriff was checking IDs to make sure you were on the up and up with no intention of looting… which could get you shot.

"You Loot We Shoot" – the sign read that sat on the corner of the street.

The amount of sand covering the road was almost overwhelming.

The site of everything people owned spread all over the place looked surreal.

Cars upside down across the street. Boats totally missing.

Everybody lost the first floor of their home… or the entire home. And everything in it was across the street or worse.

Which is why this big group of friends were gutting the first floor of one house, then going on to the next house and gutting the first floor, and so on.

I was exhausted after about 15 minutes of this work.

But these friends of ours who all lost their homes are amazingly resilient.

The hurricane blew out almost everything. Except one thing.

There is one thing no hurricane could take from these people.

What is it?


It was so ugly inside one of our friend's homes that I would have cried like a baby at all the stuff I lost if it were my house.

Not these people.

The first house was horrific.

As we were smashing and gutting the entire first floor, I stopped to talk to the lady of the house, and I told her I felt bad about what happened to her.

Her response…

"I wanted new tile anyway!"

I love that thinking.

Despite all the devastation, she mentally re-frames the situation.

Even if you haven't had your life swept away in a hurricane, you can re-frame your own situation.

Even in the stock market.

You might be underwater in some stocks.

Some stocks you own should be let go.

Other stocks you own should be saved no matter what.

Some stock should be held for a little while longer…

And some should be used to create cash flow.

What is the best way to re-frame your situation in the stock market?

Trend Point Software.

Now listen. There's more to this amazing stock software that I can describe in this letter.

That's why I recorded this video for you.

Watch the whole video right now and discover how to re-frame everything you do in the stock market.

Trade Well,


P.S.: This stock software has already helped me for 20 years and now there is some critical news about it that could help you too. I will tell you all about it in this video.

*The profits and performance shown are not typical, we make no future earnings claims, and you may lose money. Based on historical backtested data. Not indicative of any future results. Trade at your own risk.


Superior Information 300 Center Drive #G140 Superior, Colorado 80027 United States

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