Big week ahead! Let’s get ready…

Here's how to plan your trading calendar

Hey traders,

We've got a big, big week coming up!

CPI, PPI, and the latest Federal Reserve announcement all come out next week. That has the potential for a catastrophic outcome if the news is bad. Or it could trigger a major rally if everything looks good!

But the markets are up today, so what gives?

Let's talk about it…


It's important to maintain an economic calendar focused on the events that might occur and move the markets.

But it's just as important to have a calendar of trades that you can place when the time is right.

And that's exactly what my Income Calendar gives you!

If you missed it, today, I sat with Celeste Lindman to share the five hottest income-generating opportunities for the month of June, according to this calendar.

You can catch a full re-broadcast of the event here

Trade well,


Jack Carter

Jack Carter Trading


Superior Information 300 Center Drive #G140 Superior, Colorado 80027 United States

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