I Only Trade “With” The Market (how I do it)

Plus 3 picture perfect trending tickers

Hey traders,

Today I'm going to explain how I can always make sure I'm trading with the market. And you can do it on nearly any platform for free — no special tools required.

When I trade, I'm always looking to trade "with" the market. What I mean by this is that I prefer to trade in the same direction as the general market. Following the trend, as they say.

It just makes your life so much easier.

Imagine you're about to paddle on a river, would you start downstream and try to paddle your way up? No way!

Even someone who's never paddled a boat knows that it's a lot easier to "go with the flow" than to try and paddle against a raging river.

It's the same with the market. So in today's video, I'm telling you exactly how to set up your chart to make sure you're always trading in the direction of the market — plus 3 picture perfect trending stocks to look at.


How To Find The Trend

These are the 3 indexes I use to gauge the market's direction — as I write this, they are all technically bullish:

  • SPY - S&P 500
  • DIA - Dow Jones Industrial Average

To start using this method, you're going to open up your favorite trading platform. You can even do it for free on some places like Yahoo Finance.

Set up a 6 month chart. For me, I believe this gives me the best time frame.

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Jack Carter

Jack Carter Trading


Superior Information 300 Center Drive #G140 Superior, Colorado 80027 United States

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