The kind of option training they don't teach at Harvard

Look, earlier this week I gave away some of my best trading secrets… for free…

Not only did I give you a peek at how I trade options…

But I gave you my entire step by step process for trading unusual options…

What to look for…
How to read it…
How to pick the option…
When to open…
When to close…

The whole shebang…

Basically the repeatable process I’ve used to spot moves like this…

In the case above, we caught some estranged trader dumping heavy sums of cash into a pretty cheap option contract…

I mean, if some high dollar trader was loading up the boat on call or puts before a big event…

Wouldn’t you want to know about it?

Of course you would…

It’s one of the best ways to find yourself in front of earnings beats/misses, news releases, catalyst events, buyouts, etc…

It’s the main reason why I’ve been trading unusual options for the last 10 years.

So if you want to learn my process –my exact method– for trading unusual options activity…

Click here now- and tune into my training class.

Don’t worry- it's a free training- you don’t need to pay any money to watch.
See ya then, 

Lance Ippolito
Signature Lance Ippolito

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