New Swing Play In Travel Stocks

I’ve been trading the market day in and day out for close to 15 years.

I’ve seen all time highs and plenty of lows.

And if there is one piece of advice I could pass along it would be this…

Don’t listen to what people say…

But rather, watch what they do.

In the last couple of days, we’ve heard the FED and Jerome Powell say all sorts of things…

But Instead of listening, I’m watching…

And in particular I’m watching the insiders…

And right now they are buying shares at the fastest rate in over a year…

A lot of folks don’t know this, but insider buying often aligns with short term bottoms…

But also, very bullish conditions..

Which leads me to the point of today’s email…

I’ve noticed one top tier director has been aggressively buying one particular stock…

In total, he's made 6 purchases worth $1.4 million dollars.

It makes me wonder what he knows…

Is something big brewing?

Is there a secret merger on the way?

Is the stock about to rally?

I don’t know for sure… 

But I think there’s something big in store for this individual stock, especially considering it’s up 40% since October.

Which is why I’m going to reveal the name of this ticker this Thursday afternoon…

In fact, I like this play so much, I’d happily call it my #1 stock for 2024…

So, if you would like to know the name of this stock, why I like it so much, and the strategy behind it.

Just click here and sign up.

Don’t worry. It's all free.
Till the next trade,

Lance Ippolito

Signature Lance Ippolito
The profits and performance shown are not typical, we make no future earnings claims, and you may lose money. From 3/1/20 through 12/22/23, the average win rate is 71.4%, the average return per position is 8.68% with an average hold time of 20 days. 

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