Boeing: How this "gap to green" crushed

“Gap To Green” In Action On Boeing

Roger Scott’s newest discovery - “Gap To Green” - helps him identify stocks that have tanked overnight from bad news or earnings… 

And then turn them into what could be double-digit trading opportunities. 

Watch it play on ticker BA (Boeing): 

First, there was a short term overreaction to the news… 

With more 737 MAX defects. 

Then, the gap down…
But what “Gap To Green” gives Roger that most traders would miss is: 
The exact entry point
Stop loss
Profit target

And thanks to “Gap To Green”, according to our research, those that traded the options would have scored a nice… 

25.94% win in just 17 days! 

If you want the details on how YOU can start trading “Gap To Green” setups? 

Here’s the details on the training Roger Scott is hosting
Till the next trade,

Lance Ippolito

Signature Lance Ippolito
The profits and performance shown are not typical. We make no future earnings claims, and you may lose money. The trades expressed are from historical backtested data in order to demonstrate the potential of the system. We cannot guarantee any specific future results, as there is always high degree of risk involved in trading.

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