A Message from InvestorPlace This market volatility reminds me of 2008… in a good way. Because while buy-and-hold investors were panicking over their losses that year, I booked over $4 million in capital gains — about double what I made the year before. Today, stocks have been on a similar roller coaster. But when market volatility spikes, that also means opportunity. …Especially if you know how to trade options (I share steps to take below). Personally, I’ve traded options for over 15 years. I’ve worked as a floor trader on the Chicago Mercantile Exchange (CME) and was a bonified “market maker” on the Chicago Board Options Exchange (CBOE). I was even the Director of Trading and a partner at a successful proprietary trading firm with over 100 professional traders. And I can tell you with certainty… The big difference between a “professional” and “amateur” investor is that an amateur panics in the face of volatility while a pro uses options to profit from volatility. It’s not easy. But it can be taught. And if you’re ready to learn, there are 3 steps I recommend you take for free today… STEP 1: Watch the Masters in Trading Summit I recently held a free event called the Masters in Trading Summit where I shared my #1 indicator for identifying profitable options trades — even in a volatile market. During the event, I revealed the results from a live experiment where in just six weeks, I closed out 7 straight winning options recommendations with an average return of 125%. Now let me be clear… Streaks like that are NOT normal. But it just shows you what’s possible with the strategy I shared during the Summit. To see for yourself, just click here to sign up to the Masters in Trading email newsletter. When you do, I’ll send you a welcome email right away with access to the Masters in Trading Summit. Clicking the link above will opt you into communication from Masters in Trading, including Masters in Trading daily E-Letter. (Privacy Policy) After that, it’s time for Step 2… STEP 2: Complete My 4-Part Options Tutorial Series In addition to the Masters in Trading Summit, I’ll also send you a 4-part video tutorial series that details my main approach to trading options. You’ll learn the options basics, how to safely manage risk, and how I find winning trades. Clicking the link above will opt you into communication from Masters in Trading, including Masters in Trading daily E-Letter. (Privacy Policy) Plus, you’ll also get access to my proprietary options scanner, along with a video tutorial on how to use it to find potential option trades (see tutorial #4). People have paid $2,500 to access these tutorials and research tool. But I’ve made this available to you for free for 7 days when you click here to sign up (no credit card required). STEP 3: Join Masters in Trading Live — Daily at 11 am ET Finally, I want to teach you about options daily. So when you sign up to start receiving my research and updates, I’ll also send you free access to my live trading mini classes held at 11 am Eastern — Monday through Friday. On these livestreams, I break down the daily market action, highlight potential trade setups, and teach important concepts. Bottom line: I want to give you a TON of free resources to start learning about options and elevate your investment approach ASAP. Just click here to sign up and take the first step on your options journey. Clicking the link above will opt you into communication from Masters in Trading, including Masters in Trading daily E-Letter. (Privacy Policy) The creative trader wins, Jonathan Rose Founder, Masters in Trading |
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