Looking for an excuse

I think we head lower until the election
Hey Y’all,

Traders are always “looking for an excuse.” 

When we say the markets are a battle between “bears” and “bulls,” I think it’s a misnomer.

We talk about “bears” and “bulls” like it’s a fearful Michael Burry on one side playing tug-of-war with Warren Buffett on the other.  

The image invokes an intentional force of people pushing the market towards a goal, like Isaiah Likely grabbing a last-second touchdown before the markets close (except keeping his feet in bounds — no, I’m not bitter)... 

But I don’t think that’s it.

Of course, Wall Street has a massive impact on the stock market. That’s a given. But the impact of retail traders and everyday investors should never be underestimated… 

Especially with the surge of interest we’ve seen in the stock market and in options trading in recent years.


North of 40 million options trades are placed a day, and those aren’t all coming from Wall Street. 

The majority are coming from traders like you and me.

And we’re all looking for an excuse… it just depends what “excuse” we’re looking for.
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The market is less a game of “tug of war,” with two equal teams trying to pull in opposite directions.

I think it’s more like a game of Red Rover. There are two sides, bear and bull, and traders in the middle deciding which way to run.

And traders are always looking for an excuse to run in one direction or the other. 

Right now, I think they’re looking for any excuse to sell. 

Because we’ve seen it over and over again… 

NVDA reports mind-blowing earnings and the market sells off…

The jobs report looks ok but is a little disappointing, and stocks sell off…

The market is a bloodbath this week, and there’s nothing really going on.

The Fear/Greed index has moved decisively over to fear…

And even though rate cuts are expected to start in less than two weeks, nobody seems to be super excited (as I mentioned earlier this week).

So when does this turn around? 

Well, to quote O Brother, Where Art Thou: “it’s a fool who looks for logic in the chambers of the human heart.”

But, if I had to stick my finger into the wind and guess, I don’t think this changes until the election. 

The one thing that could flip things is a bigger-than-expected rate cut. If Powell announces a .50% or better rate cut, I think that will shock the markets into making a move.

But I don’t think a 0.25% cut will do much. I think that’s already long since priced in. 

If we do see a rate cut and the market is still dyspeptic, I don’t see it getting settled until the election, because I don’t see another event that can move people off of the “excuse to sell” attitude.

Of course, I could be wrong. Markets are crazy. But right now, I’d expect sideways action to continue for a while.

As for me, I plan to be sideways about 85% of this weekend as I lay on the couch and watch football.

Hope you get to relax and enjoy it! 

To your prosperity,

Stephen Ground
Editor-in-Chief, ProsperityPub


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