[Open And Confirm] Market Redirect 2024

Get Ready!
Hey Lance here, 

We’re less than 3 days away from a MAJOR stock market event…

An event that has only happened on 1.58% of all trading days…

Even though that number is incredibly small…

The impact it had has been nothing short of groundbreaking.

Historically speaking, these kinds of events cause abnormally large moves in under 72 hours…

Now I cannot spill all the beans in this email but if things play out the way I expect…

We could be looking at some extraordinary moves starting as early as Monday morning…

Which is why I’m calling it “the BIGGEST Market Redirect of 2024”

And this Thursday, September 19th at noon eastern, you’re going to see:

How control of HUGE amounts in assets will be redirected this Friday afternoon…
How similar Market Redirects have catapulted stocks dramatically higher within 72 hours.
And the one signal I’m using to “front-run” what could be the best-performing stocks once the Market Redirect hits!
Event Details:
When: Thursday, September 19th
Time: 12 pm Eastern
Why: Market Redirect 2024

Just a reminder: This type of event only happens a few times a year…

And historically speaking, it sparks lots of opportunity…

If you’d like us to text you when we’re about to start, just click here and enter your phone number.

See you Thursday!


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