Your member access to Daily Profit Play Alerts

Enjoy your 60% discount as a founding member
Chris Pulver here. 

I wanted to reach out again to thank you for being part of our session earlier. 

You know, after our talk, I couldn't stop thinking about something… We all got into trading for one reason: freedom. 

Financial freedom… time freedom, the freedom to live life on our own terms.

But let's be honest, most trading strategies don't deliver on that promise… They're either too complicated, too risky, or just plain unreliable.

That's why I developed the Daily Profit Play Alerts.

It's a different approach… Instead of swinging for the fences and striking out most of the time, we're aiming for consistent base hits. Every Single Day.

Imagine starting each morning with a clear, specific trading opportunity. No guesswork, no stress… Just a straightforward method targeting around $100 per day, based on $1k starting stake.

Now, I can't promise you'll win the market has its ups and downs. 

But what I can offer you is a strategy that's shown a 90% win rate in our backtesting. 

Here's everything you'll get as a founding member:

Up to 200 Daily Profit Play Alerts: Expect a new alert virtually every day the market is open right around 9:40am with exact options criteria including entry and exit info 
Up to 200 LIVE Trade Room: Join me in a live trading room up to 200 times over the next year as we trade the Daily Profit Plays together and I share my screen and let you “copy and paste” the trade in real time
Members Only Telegram: Every single day an opportunity triggers, I am going to send you a detailed alert directly to a Private Members-Only Telegram Channel. No logging in or chasing links to find your trades! Just open up the Telegram from your phone or computer and it’s all there!
Daily Profit Play Intro to Options: This walks you through the basics of using the exact type of options we use so you can have full confidence joining the trade even if you’re a beginner.
Daily Profit Play Tracker: Every trade will be tracked and audited in the live tracker so members can confirm they’re on track or view the historic results any time
Daily Profit Play Handbook: After going through this short read, ANYONE can start using this brand new method to target extra cash virtually every day.
Daily Profit Play Workshop: I’ll cover a recap of the strategy covered in the handbook and answer any of your questions
Daily Profit Play Performance Promise: If our model portfolio doesn’t show at least a 90% win rate over the next year I will give every member an additional year of Daily Profit Play Alerts so we can keep working toward this initiative together.

If you were to pay for each of these components separately, you'd be looking at a price tag of over $2,500… But I'm not interested in making this an exclusive, high-priced club. 

I want to help as many traders as possible.

So, I'm offering all of this for just $897 for a full year. That's a 60% discount right off the bat.
At $897 for the year, you're paying less than $2.50 per day. 

That's less than a cup of coffee at most places. And what are you getting for that $2.50? A daily shot at $100 in profits.

And remember, we're aiming for these opportunities almost every single day the market is open.

I'm only offering this to 500 founding members. And spots are filling up fast.

Fill this short form to secure your spot and let's start targeting those daily profits together.

To your trading success,

Chris Pulver

The trades expressed are from historical back teste] data from June 2022 through April 2024 combined with Chris's live money trading from June 2024 through September 1 2024 to demonstrate the potential of the system. The average winning trade during the backtested data was 11.5% while the average losing position was 74.5% per trade and a 90.9% win rate. The average winning trade during the real time data was 10.5% while the average losing position was 29.5% per trade and an 83% win rate.

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