Options Trading is Broken!

Except when Lance does it

If you noticed, I try to stay as far away from directional options trading as possible.

In my opinion, the odds are heavily stacked against you.

I’d most likely never be profitable if I could only trade pure directional moves.

But every time I look at the way Lance Ippolito trades options, I'm blown away!

He's been so effective at it, he might be pulling me to his side of the fence.

Last year, he had a 69% win rate on 100 trade alerts – turning a $10k model account risking 10% per trade to $63,703.

But a while back I looked at his trades and I found that we could make things better by making a few adjustments to his options criteria.

And guess what happened when we applied these new adjustments to the 100 already published trades…

The win rate shot up from 69% to 85.1%

And instead of making $63,304 on a $10K model account, we ended up with over $100k!

By simply making a few small changes to Lance's rules, we were able to take his 2024 results from “great” to “BONKERS!”

And now, we would like to show you how it works !

This Monday, Lance and I will go live to reveal exactly what these new adjustments are and how they are able to bring jaw-dropping results.

You'll also have a chance to join him for his very next trade!

There are no guarantees on profits, but thanks to this, 2025 might just be the best year yet for the regular trader.

And you get to be front-in-line 

All you have to do is register for the live event here.

See you on Monday.
To your trading success, 


The profits and performance shown are not typical. We make no future earnings claims, and you may lose money. The trades expressed are from an internal audit that applied a new set of option criteria to Lance’s real published alerts of the last year. The result was an 85.1% win rate, 38% average return (winners and losers combined) with an average hold time of 11 days.


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