You Could Take Advantage of This Mega Melt-Up I’d consider myself an eternal optimist. Yes, we’ve experienced market volatility so far in 2025. That’s because of typical earnings season unpredictability and a string of headlines that made investors cautious. But I don’t like to make emotional decisions when it comes to investing. I would go so far to say it’s the single biggest investing mistake in the world today. Instead, I use data. Data doesn’t get greedy or fearful. It doesn’t try to figure out countless “what if” scenarios and hope it picks the right one. It tells us what is – not what wish – and the right data analyzed the right way can forecast with high accuracy what’s to come. Data shows that there are bullish opportunities even in bumpy markets; you just need to know where to find them. That’s why I created my Quantum Edge system. To remove emotions out of investing and focus on quantitative data that points us to those money-making opportunities. And I’m not alone. Our research team here at TradeSmith, led by TradeSmith CEO Keith Kaplan, has discovered something fascinating… and very bullish if you act at the right time. My colleague, Michael Salvatore, Editor of TradeSmith Daily, did an excellent job describing what Keith found and what it means for smart investors... According to Keith, who used advanced quantitative metrics to compare price action to previous times in history, we’re in the midst of a “mega melt-up” the likes of which we haven’t seen since the mid-‘90s. And it’s only happened one time before then… the Roaring ‘20s. Here’s what happened 100 years ago: - The breakthrough technology of the time, electrification, revolutionized industry and greatly improved people’s lives.
- The very first margin loans allowed investors to borrow to buy stocks, both contributing to the melt-up and playing a big role in the ensuing meltdown.
- An explosion of consumer credit leading to borrowing that stimulated the U.S. economy
What does this mean? Recommended Link | | “If there’s any stock out there that’s the ‘next Nvidia,’ this is it,” says 40-year Wall Street veteran Louis Navellier. The exact same signals his system detected in Nvidia years ago are flashing again for this company. Once Wall Street catches on, he’s predicting a stampede into the shares. See the name and ticker symbol when you click here. | | | It means that the last two years’ above-average returns were no one-off anomaly. We could see it happen again this year. And maybe even for several years. But the other side of this coin is that, eventually, there will be an epic meltdown that could take a huge chunk out of your returns… possibly reversing most if not all of the melt-up move altogether. This could well prove to be both the biggest wealth creation and destruction event for many, many years. If you play it right, you could walk away at just the right time… escaping with massive gains before the big crash wipes most investors out. Here’s how we’re preparing you for that. When Keith discovered that we’re in a melt-up, he got to work developing a new indicator of when a melt-up has run its course and a meltdown is on the way. In addition, he developed a strategy that isolates deep sell-offs in quality stocks, and then buys those stocks to trade the rebound for 21 trading days. This works both in bull and bear markets… But it works especially well when the market sells off in quick fashion. No matter when it’s working, it boasts a near 80% win rate and an average return, counting wins and losses, of just under 16%. This is exactly the kind of thing you need for both a melt-up and a meltdown. During melt-ups, investors are desperate for reasons to sell… causing big one-off moves that – as long as the melt-up is on – are dips to buy. And in meltdowns, big down moves spur equally big bear market rallies… as investors try to time the bottom. All of this will be part of a free research demo airing tonight at 8 p.m. ET. To be automatically signed up, click here. There, Keith will: - Demonstrate how he uncovered the mega melt-up signal.
- Explain how he’s preparing our users to take advantage of it.
- Give out the names of 10 stocks poised to thrive in the melt-up, and 10 stocks to steer clear of… completely free.
This is Jason again. I have no doubt that the information Keith will share at The Last Melt-Up event will make a substantial difference in how you play the markets over the next year. Click right here to be signed up immediately. Enjoy Keith’s analysis. And stick with data in your investing decisions. You’ll sleep better at night. Talk soon, 
Jason Bodner Editor, Jason Bodner’s Power Trends |
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