Ten Golden Rules Internet Marketing Strategy Blog

Ten Golden Rules Internet Marketing Strategy Blog

Top 10 Product Launch Myths

Posted: 28 Jul 2010 01:47 PM PDT

Last week I explained the concept of what a Product Launch is and what it could mean for your business. Have you thought about the concept a little bit more?

Because I'm in the process of learning about the concept in further depth, I want to convey the knowledge I am gaining about Product Launches to you.

Below are the Top 10 Myths about doing a Product Launch for your Business:

1. "I need to have an established business"
2. "There is too much competition in my market for a Product Launch"
3. "I just don't have enough contacts for a Launch"
4. "There are others who are more well-known in my market – consumers wouldn't be interested in a Product Launch of mine"
5. "I don't have a tangible product to have a Product Launch with"
6. "I could only do one Product Launch as I don't have others for additional Product Launches"
7. "My products wouldn't work with a Product Launch"
8. "This concept wouldn't work in my country/language"
9. "This would take too long to launch for my product"
10. "My product is too niche for a Launch"

All of the "myths" above are not deterrents for doing a Product Launch by any means.

Do you have a myth to add to the list? What are your thoughts? Go ahead and leave your comment below.

image credit: marcobellucci

Getting News Through the Twittersphere

Posted: 28 Jul 2010 12:52 PM PDT

Twitter has grown so much, and everyday more and more people are tweeting. For many internet marketers and social media junkies, Twitter has become a part of our daily lives, next to email and listening to music on Pandora or Slacker Radio. When you are using Twitter and checking it multiple times a day, you become accustomed to what is happening in the Twitter world. In fact, Twitter has already proven that they can be ahead of mainstream media, since once a tweet is sent, it is seen instantly.

Here is a couple of Twitter news I found out today through my Twitter circle:

A while back I wrote about Ivy Bean a while back, who was the oldest Twitter user. I found out that she had passed away today. As @IvyBean104, she was just another Twitter user, using it as she found useful. She was a popular user, with 56,000 followers and was fairly active. It just comes to show that anyone can use social media, even if you're over 100 years old. Amazing, I think.

Hated by many, liked by many (including myself – I can't help that I think his beats are dope) Kanye West is now part of the Twittersphere as @KanyeWest. His first tweet caused some attention (of course) –

Perhaps his visit to Silicon Valley made him create a Twitter account? He was also there to meet with technology companies and also performed at Facebook headquarters.

Are you like me and find out most of today's news stories through Twitter?

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