Ten Golden Rules Internet Marketing Strategy Blog

Ten Golden Rules Internet Marketing Strategy Blog

Is Google Trying to Show Its Human Side?

Posted: 06 May 2011 04:54 AM PDT

Launched early this week, Google's new Chrome ad is definitely attempting to reveal a bit of its human side. With over 325,955 views on YouTube in just four days – this "Dear Sophie" video depicts a father using Google products to share memories with his daughter as she grows up. This includes sending her notes via Gmail and posting baby videos of her on YouTube.

Although the video may come off more like a Gmail ad rather than a Google Chrome ad, it still does its job. It evokes an emotion powerful enough that it makes people want to share the video. There is one aspect I feel the video is missing though – Sophie's reaction, as an adult, to her dad's notes.

It's okay you can admit it – it made me shed a tear too. : )

Who Said IPO’s Are Dead?

Posted: 05 May 2011 01:45 PM PDT

Renren, which is China's largest social networking service, has files for an IPO. They are looking to sell shares between $9 and $11 totaling $743 million according to their filings. As of March 31, they have about 117 million active users who are able to play games, network and purchase items. Should Zuckerberg and his team at Facebook be nervous? I'm saying no to this one. They are being looked at like a "golden child" and shares are expected to generate lots more money. Investing in Renren is a good idea however, as China's growth is expected to three times faster according to Goldman Sachs Group.

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