3 Tech Stocks To Target in 2021

February 16, 2021
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3 Tech Stocks I'm Targeting in 2021
There's something big I need everyone to understand…

Right now isn't the time to focus on FAANG stocks. And why? These stocks have actually been underperforming small-cap technology stocks.

But don't worry, folks…

There are still plenty of tech stocks to watch in 2021. And since it's my job to come up with new ways for my readers to make more money, I've decided to give away the three tech stocks I'm targeting right now.

If you've been keeping up with my daily videos for quite awhile, then the first tech stock to watch in 2021 shouldn't be any surprise. We've talked about this tech stock before and it has only gone up since.
Let's Not Waste Anymore Time
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Gerhard A.

The Advance/Decline (A/D) Line is used by many traders to confirm the strength of a current trend and its likelihood of reversing. The indicator essentially shows if most stocks are participating in the direction of the market. If the markets are up, but the A/D line is sloping downwards (bearish divergence), it's usually a sign that the markets are losing their breadth and may be about to reverse direction. If the slope of the A/D line is up and the market is trending upward, then the market is said to be healthy.
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