What the Big Sector Rotation Means and 2 Stocks to Watch

Is your money at stake??

Published: March 27, 2021

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Next Electric Vehicle Wave

Electric vehicles are on track to be the most transformative industry shift we've seen in the past century…

The first wave of riches came from Tesla's historic two-year run, which not only triggered a new wave of "Teslanaires" but led an entire shift in how we look at transportation.

And for early investors who act fast, this opportunity couldn't be more lucrative.

A perfect storm is brewing between the biggest automotive companies in the world right now...

And we just uncovered one under-the-radar company that could hold the keys to unlocking the next wave of EV millionaires.

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Lance Ippolito

Lance is a professional trader and a successful entrepreneur with over 10 years of experience in the financial markets.

2 Stocks to Watch in
This Sector Rotation

Electric Vehicles

There's a big sector rotation taking place. And WealthPress Senior Strategist Roger Scott is here to discuss stock market sector rotation strategies — and two hot stocks to watch.

Since moving your money into momentum plays can help you beat the stock market, let's break down how money rotates between sectors...

Financials and industrials are leading the pack right now. But Technology, Consumer Staples and Utilities are lagging among the major sectors.

Here's what's interesting about this…

Consumer Discretionary and Tech often trade in step with each other... much like Utilities and Consumer Staples or Industrials and Materials. They're like opposite sides of the same coin!

But when Consumer Discretionary gets out of line with Tech, we get a fragmented stock market.

So What Does This Mean for Us Traders?

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If you're new to the trading game, you might be wondering about the advantages of trading options over stocks — or vice versa.

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A New Money Crew Publication

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