Your Questions — Answered!

Hey guys!

Before long, you're going to be trading stocks and options on some of the market's hottest, most disruptive companies.

The best part is that you don't need to have any prior trading experience to follow my market strategies.

In fact, I created Joy of the Trade with the hopes of showing Main Street investors just like you how to make life-changing returns — without risking your hard-earned money in the process.

But I want to make sure you feel as comfortable and confident as possible before you start getting your feet wet in Joy of the Trade.

So, I've put together a short video answering some of the most-asked questions that I've received from you and your fellow readers.

In it, I discuss:

  • How to prepare your portfolio for possible market turbulence.

  • The different strategies I use for various holding periods.

  • How I read market internals — and which indicators I use.

  • How I can be both long and short the market at the same time.

  • And why it's important to follow a stock market mentor.

Click on the thumbnail below to watch that nine-minute video:

If you have any questions about what you just watched, or the strategies I've shared with you so far, feel free to contact my team at

I'll use your feedback to shape future editions of Joy of the Trade — so don't be shy!

And keep an eye on your inbox … I have plenty more tips, strategies and trading opportunities to share with you over the coming weeks.

Jeff Zananiri

A MarketWealth Publication

Disclaimer & Disclosures
The information in this email is intended for informational purposes only and does not guarantee specific results as there is a high degree of risk involved with trading. Also, our traders are real traders and may have financial interests in the companies discussed.  Please see our Terms and Conditions for more information.


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