Imagine this with us real quick...
Imagine back on a Tuesday, you entered a trade on Oracle with former institutional trader and current member of the CME, Tom Busby…
Then you did whatever you wanted during the week…
And on Friday afternoon, you cashed out with a 232% whopper of a gain. ¹
Not bad for a four day trade, right?
Say you put just $1,000 into the trade...You'd be sitting on more than $2,300 in profits in just four days. ¹
Forget worrying about news from China…
Or the middle east…
You're in cash… Beautiful spendable cash.
And with $2,300 to spend, and a three day weekend coming up…
What would you do?
While you're thinking of what YOU would do with the $2,300 and a 3 day weekend...
Tom has let a few of his close friends answer that question…
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