How Investors Are Incorrectly Shorting November

November 15, 2021
Check out This Super Powerful Ticker
It didn't take Joy of the Trade Head Trader Jeff Zananiri long to get this former member of both the CBOE and the American Stock Exchange on board with these "Round Trip" signals.

We're talking about trader extraordinaire, Mark Sebastian. He normally doesn't take trades from other people… But the strategy Jeff's been showing him has so far opened his eyes wide.

And traders will have the chance to tap into what he says "might be the most explosive strategy I've ever seen."

All thanks to this ONE ticker, a ticker like nothing else in the markets…

Already, Jeff's let Mark in on these "Round Trip" signals that have gained 263% in four days… 267% in seven days… even an incredible 2,645% gain in four weeks. And...
Everyone's Invited to Witness the Signals
How to Short the Market — the Right Way — and Maximize Profits
Inflation in the market is real — I've been driving this point home for months now... And Wednesday morning's Consumer Price Index data was the final nail in the coffin.

Now, the Federal Reserve is going to be forced to capitulate at the worst time, stop tapering faster than planned, and raise rates earlier and more aggressively than it wanted. And that's going to smash the growth of the economy for some time.

That's also already giving investors a lot of good opportunities to short the stock market in November.

So here are some names WealthPress Senior Strategist Roger Scott and I found that are shorting… and the No. 1 stock to never short.
Get the Tickers Here
Gold Is Our Free Trade After Worst Inflation Data in 31 Years
Gold is front and center right now following the latest Consumer Price Index data, which showed inflation is coming in even hotter than already expected…

Our free Alpha Intel trade alert is going to be… you guessed it… a gold play!

But first, our free trade idea last week on Capri Holdings was another home run!

It was selling for $3 a contract when the alert hit your inbox… and by Thursday, it was up to $6.61 — a 120% return if you sold it at the peak! I most definitely would have sold it by the time it hit 100%, by the way.

Back to this new idea...

We know inflation is a big, big problem. And gold is a great hedge against inflation.

So I'm going to execute a Nov. 19 expiration $174 strike call option on today's gold play. Be sure to watch the video and I'll give you the ticker, and go over last week's free Alpha Intel trade alert in one minute flat!
Get the Ticker Here!
"The most valuable information ever I have received"

Juan C.

A Double Bottom pattern is a chart pattern that describes the drop of a stock or index, a rebound, another drop to the same or similar level as the original drop, and finally another rebound. The double bottom looks like the letter "W" and signals a potential bullish reversal of an established downtrend.
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Due to the timing of information presented, any investment performance reflected within this document may be adjusted after the publication and distribution of this material. There can be no assurance that the future performance of any specific investment, investment strategy, or product made reference to directly or indirectly in this communication will be profitable, be equal to any corresponding indicated historical performance levels or be suitable for your portfolio.
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