Markets Moonshot on Strong Jobs Report, Pfizer’s COVID-19 Pill

The stock market rally finally suffered substantial losses Thursday as the 10-year Treasury yields continue to rise. So, do we find ourselves staring down the barrel of a broad stock market retreat or a sector rotation?

Markets Moonshot on Strong Jobs Report, Pfizer's COVID-19 Pill

November 05, 2021

Seems like it's been close to two years since we've heard some genuinely good news, but that's exactly what we got Friday.

Nonfarm payrolls came in at 531,000 — well above market expectations of a 420,000 gain.

The market shouldn't have been surprised, however… The data has been telling us what to expect all along.

So how do we capitalize as this market picks up steam?

I've Got Some Ideas

Check Out This Little-Known Weekend Trading Secret

No one wants to work weekends, we get it.

Traders from Wall Street to home offices grind it out Monday through Friday, just waiting for the weekend.

But here's the secret…

They're neglecting the fact that money may be up for grabs on any given weekend.

And New Money Crew Head Trader Lance Ippolito discovered a rinse-and-repeat plan that anyone with a cell phone and a brokerage account can take advantage of, even on a weekly basis.

Don't waste the weekend!

Learn More Here

An Energy Crisis, a Chip Shortage, Infrastructure… and Copper

November 05, 2021

I complain about financial media being lost at sea from time to time... But I also try to acknowledge when they get it mostly right.

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