What Goes Up Must Come Down — Including Energy Prices

The stock market rally finally suffered substantial losses Thursday as the 10-year Treasury yields continue to rise. So, do we find ourselves staring down the barrel of a broad stock market retreat or a sector rotation?

What Goes Up Must Come Down — Including Energy Prices

November 12, 2021

We've been pounding the table for over a month now that the place to make money is the Energy sector — specifically coal and natural gas — as we head toward the winter months. But how do we plan to trade slowing energy inflation?

And I know what you're thinking. "Matt, didn't you say earlier this week that inflation was historically high?"

Yes. Yes, I did. Which is precisely why we need to get ready for it to slow — what goes up, must come down right?

Get Ready for the Turnaround

Incorporate This Strategy This Fall

Traders are sick of looking at stock charts all day just to pick through Wall Street's crumbs.

With Federal Reserve bond tapering beginning later this month, supply chain bottlenecks, persistent COVID-19 disruptions and fall's normal volatility, it's gotten harder to pick winners...

What if instead of relying on hours of research and trying to decipher the flood of data, traders had a strategy that could identify opportunities for them?

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Get This Incredible Deal

How to Take the Low-Hanging Fruit Ahead of the Holidays

November 11, 2021

By now, you all know how I like to look at the stock market and all of its moving parts. I look at everything as though it were connected — all part of one giant piece. Because, well… it is.

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