When the Pullback Comes, Traders Will Wish They’d Played Defense Now

November 6, 2021
Get Ready for the FDA Rampage 2021
No one wants to work weekends, we get it.

Traders from Wall Street to home offices grind it out Monday through Friday, just waiting for the weekend.

But here's the secret…

They're neglecting the fact that money may be up for grabs on any given weekend.

And New Money Crew Head Trader Lance Ippolito discovered a rinse-and-repeat plan that anyone with a cell phone and a brokerage account can take advantage of even on a weekly basis.

Don't waste the weekend!
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Athletic Apparel Company Leads This Week's List of Kingmaker Stocks
Short term, as we're still in the middle of earnings season, the stock market remains overextended and is due to pullback. From a long-term perspective, it's still strong.

That's why we want to continue looking for stocks hitting big, breakaway gaps upward. And this edition of your Alpha Intel Weekly Watchlist is packed full of stocks being gobbled up by the Kingmakers — big, institutional investors.

By following the "smart money" Kingmakers, we can stack the odds in our favor when it comes to buying new stocks.  

And the first stock on this week's list is Under Armour, which is breaking out of a big base right now with a huge breakaway gap...
Click Here to See This Week's List
Don't Wait for a Pullback. Start Playing Defense Now
What's happening in the Nasdaq is nothing short of amazing...

But the contrarian in me can't help but wonder how long the market can keep this up.  

Once that hot earnings season air leaks out — and it will — those nasty headlines from September that were pushed off the front page will be ready to jump back in the spotlight.

That means more focus on shipping bottlenecks, Washington gridlock and Chinese regulatory and real estate dysfunction.

And even though I'm still bullish on retail and the holiday season — how about that report from our good friend Under Armour? — I'm less optimistic that the holidays will hold Mr. Market's attention.

If those negative headlines creep back in the media, then another 4% or 5% correction isn't out of the question...

Which is why I'm ready to move on a few of my top defensive stocks for November...
Get the Names
This Recent Watchlist Member Tripled in Seconds… Which One's Next?
If you remember, I wrote a few weeks ago about how small-cap stocks were outperforming large caps.

At the time, I said one stock to watch was Avis Budget Group, because while it may not have all those fun OJ Simpson commercials like Hertz did back in the day, it does have a much better business. It's up darn near 100% in just a month and as travel picks up for the holidays, it's only going to get stronger.

I followed up by saying CAR is an absolute rocketship at that time, so don't chase. Buy a little at a time on down days.

There have been exactly two such days since... Aug. 26 and 27. But had you happened to take a flyer even then, Tuesday's peak gain would have been around 338%!
So Which Stock Is Next?
"Hi Roger, I watched your webinar and it was very interesting and informative."

Chrys de A.

The Squeeze is the central concept of Bollinger Bands®. When the bands come close together, constricting the moving average, it is called a squeeze. A squeeze signals a period of low volatility and is considered by traders to be a potential sign of future increased volatility and possible trading opportunities. Conversely, the wider apart the bands move, the more likely the chance of a decrease in volatility and the greater the possibility of exiting a trade. However, these conditions are not trading signals. The bands give no indication when the change may take place or which direction price could move. John Bollinger suggests using them with two or three other non-correlated indicators that provide more direct market signals. He believes it is crucial to use indicators based on different types of data.
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