The Best Pullback Indicator to Use During Volatile Markets

February 7, 2022
The '2022 Buy Back Plan'…
WealthPress Senior Strategist Roger Scott is about to unveil his second biggest "buy alert" EVER. Roger says the extreme volatility we've seen recently will become the new normal… for the next several years...

Making it a massive opportunity for targeting pullback trades.

Join Roger and legendary trader Tom Busby will lay out their "2022 Buy Back Plan," a complimentary training session to teach everyone how to target pullbacks for profits.
Click Here for More Details
It makes sense for there to be a ton of market volatility right now thanks to things like Meta's (Facebook) disappointing quarterly report, and the fact that we recently had one of the worst market shakeouts since the COVID-19 crash in March of 2020.

To help calm everyone's nerves, I'd like to introduce you to my favorite pullback indicator…

I tend to talk about pullbacks in a lot of my videos… However, if you're wondering exactly what they are, they're a pause or moderate drop in the price of a stock or stock market. And they're relatively short in terms of duration.

But the real question you should be asking is how we can gauge those pullbacks in price…
This Will Do the Trick
We Just Scored a 10X Win With a PayPal Short Play!
It's not the first time I've said it… And it won't be the last — I love trading live in the Daily Profits War Room!
I also love it when earnings short trades score MASSIVE profits — thank you, PayPal!
There's nothing like watching order flow hit the tape and jumping on a trade before the markets know what hit them.
It's also a great barometer for market sentiment — the bears are hungry!
Why wouldn't they be after all the pain we saw in January?
And the past Monday's bounce was just more fuel for the earnings season fire.
One of the names that kept seeing bearish flow was former digital payments superstar PayPal… And despite the risk, my longshot earnings short trade landed a monster overnight payout!
Here's What We're Watching!
"Good Morning, I have learned so much from you all, Thank you all and have a nice weekend. Regards"

Srini R.
A Flag is a technical charting pattern that looks like a flag on a flagpole and suggests a continuation of the current trend. Flags are areas of tight consolidation after a sharp movement in price and typically consist of between five and 20 price bars. The bottom of the flag should not be lower than the midpoint of the flagpole that preceded it.
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