It was a challenging year for everyone, bulls and bears alike, but at least Elon Musk bought Twitter. So, with Christmas less than a day away I wanted to drop a quick note of gratitude. By holding his nose and closing the deal on its original terms, Elon put values ahead of value. He then used that $45 billion perch to go all Leroy Jenkins on the woke mob and government. Glorious… The Twitter Files ripped off Twitter’s kimono to expose the systematic efforts by an uncomfortably large set of individuals within the U.S. government to control what you know and how you think about it. Their animosity towards your individuality is now undeniably clear. A whole lot of people are using government power to set their sights on your mind. Facts are weapons and social media is clearly their artillery of choice. Knowing you’re under a barrage of propaganda makes it hard to know what to believe. At least for anyone that looks for truth on the outside. But I think that’s the wrong place to look. To gauge the truth of any matter, you must ultimately look inside. Now, I’m not saying facts don’t matter. I’m not ignoring the power of empirical, evidence-based thinking. I am not denying the utility of deductive reasoning. And I’m definitely not saying all truth is subjective. However, when facts aren’t facts and evidence is manipulated, your only choice is take what seems true from the mosaic of information presented, true or false, and draw conclusions from within. I know that takes guts but, from my perspective, that was Christ’s ultimate lesson. The truth is within each of us. We can all be children of God once we learn to still the mind and look inside. “Ask and you shall receive.” I haven’t stepped inside a church in 18 years, but I know that the Son of God can be born inside each of us. That’s our share of divinity. All we have to do is look. Plus, you’ll need guts to thrive alongside what’s coming down the pike. Rather than grasping vainly to the comfort of what worked in the past you need to get uncomfortable with new ideas. And new ideas is exactly why I created The Daily Pick. For just $9 per month, I’ll give you a new trade idea every single day. How you play them is up to you, but I give you distance and direction on each and every trade. Moreover, with a new trade every day, you have plenty of ideas to take inside and draw your own conclusions. So, this Christmas, after looking under the tree, take time to look inside. That’s where you’ll find the greatest gifts. Oh…and sign up for The Daily Pick. Merry Christmas, |
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