If investors do this, you want to pay close attention

| | | | | | | | | | | From the Desk of Don Yocham
If you’re not using the “daybreak” line on your charts, you could be missing out.
Because, according to Tom Busby, this one line that appears BEFORE the 9:30am opening bell has more to do with how price will behave than just about anything else.
Lean how the Daybreak line works in his special presentation
You see, most people aren’t focused on signals that fire in the pre-market…
But the buying and selling that occurs before 9:30 is some of the most intense and telling activity in the entire market.
Often, investors are desperate to unload a stock that they know could collapse throughout the day…
Or, on the flip side, insiders may tip their hand by buying an outperformer before anyone else has time to analyze it.
And it all happens before the “normal” market hours begin.
If you know where the “breaking point” is on each stock, you can take advantage of these pulses in the pre-market and set yourself up for the rest of the day.
Learn how to use the “Daybreak Line” during today’s workshop All the best, | | | | |
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From the Desk of Don Yocham If you’re not using the “daybreak” line on your charts, you could be missing out. Because, according to Tom Busby, this one line that appears BEFORE the 9:30am opening bell has more to do with how price will behave than just about anything else. Lean how the Daybreak line works in his special presentation You see, most people aren’t focused on signals that fire in the pre-market… But the buying and selling that occurs before 9:30 is some of the most intense and telling activity in the entire market. Often, investors are desperate to unload a stock that they know could collapse throughout the day… Or, on the flip side, insiders may tip their hand by buying an outperformer before anyone else has time to analyze it. And it all happens before the “normal” market hours begin. If you know where the “breaking point” is on each stock, you can take advantage of these pulses in the pre-market and set yourself up for the rest of the day. Learn how to use the “Daybreak Line” during today’s workshop All the best, |
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