If You Could Only Use One Pattern, This Would Be It

It Seems Counterintuitive, But It Works

Hey traders,

Market's down pretty good today.

What people don't realize is that we have to have these selloffs in order for the market to go higher.

Speaking of higher, one way I like to spot new opportunities is to find stocks that are hitting new highs.

Now, it can't just be a stock that hit a new high out of the blue. I need to see a stock that is hitting new highs after trending upward for several months.

A great example that I can show you right now is META. I may hate the company itself, but the stock is going gangbusters, steadily moving higher over the last 6+ months.


In fact, if I could give you just ONE pattern to follow, it would be what I just described:

A stock that has been steadily moving higher over several months and is hitting new highs.

Some other stocks that are doing that at this very moment: WMT, DAL, AAL, NFLX and MA.

But buying and holding is just one dimension of trading this pattern.

The way I play these is with options. And it MIGHT not be the way you think…

If you'd like to see how I do it, check out this video.

Trade well,


Jack Carter

Jack Carter Trading


Superior Information 300 Center Drive #G140 Superior, Colorado 80027 United States

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