Year two starts today

The Google Cash Generation Blueprint is ready to go

On this date one year ago, Google Stock split 20/1, generating a spree of headlines just like these…


Temperatures in the stock market were high, and investors were looking for any ray of hope to give them a reason to get excited about the stock market again.

So many retail investors flocked to GOOG, hoping that the powerhouse tech stock would be their ticket to the promised land.

Back then, I warned all of my traders that this was a HUGE mistake…

Because I recognized that while GOOG stock might increase a little bit over the course of the next year, there was a way to target added income every single month, even if GOOG didn't move at all!

That's why I introduced the Google Cash Generation Blueprint.

My goal was simply to show that thanks to Google's stock split, there was a brand new way for everyday investors to target income every single month through the stock market.

Now, I thought the Google Blueprint strategy was a home run, but even I'll admit… I've been blown away by the response over the last year!

Initially, I intended to run this program for a small group of my top students for a year, to show them the ropes on this strategy and get them on their feet…

But over the last 12 months, we've had literally hundreds of traders join in the Google Cash Generation revolution!

And what I've learned is, even though the stock split is now a year old, the lessons and values I give in this program are timeless!

So I am initiating year 2 of the Google Cash Generation Blueprint today… and I want YOU to be a part of it!


This weekend, you can immediately unlock access to…

  • Google Cash Generation Masterclass: In this on demand intensive workshop I will share my entire blueprint from A to Z! Discover how I set up positions, identify the "money zone" options and collect premiums.
  • The Headstart Trade: This allows you to capture a payment from Google immediately! This is a "sneaky" way to jump into the Google Cash Generation Blueprint quickly and generate your first payout from GOOG… TODAY!
  • 5 Year Google Cash Generation Outlook: This short guide will walk you through the different growth scenarios on GOOG and the potential outcomes of applying the blueprint with Google's next era of growth.
  • The Google 5x Challenge Game Plan: The complete, unedited game plan I use to target an incredible 5x the S&P annual return with just one trade a month on Google.
  • The Google Cash Generation Blueprint: In this short guide you'll find an outline of the exact steps we are using each month to capture premium from GOOG!
  • Monthly Google 5x Challenge LIVE Sessions: Every month I will go LIVE with my exact trade details, analyze the stock and progress of the plan in real time, and answer any questions you may have.
  • Monthly Google 5x Challenge Status Reports: Each month you will get a cheat sheet with all the pertinent details of the upgraded game plan. This includes the specific trades covered in the live session and the performance of the challenge.

And to make this the easiest decision of your life…

BONUS: Google Cash Generation Catalyst: This report explains how to add a second layer of income potentially to your Google Cash Generation Blueprint EACH month!

But keep this in mind…

One year ago, for as many traders made the smart decision and joined us in this program, there were 100x who ignored my warning and moved on…

I don't want you to make the same mistake this weekend.

So join the Google Cash Generation Blueprint today and learn a better way to trade blue chip stocks

Trade well,

Jack Carter


Superior Information 300 Center Drive #G140 Superior, Colorado 80027 United States

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