[You got this] Avg trade: 244.6%

Dear Fellow Trader,

My name’s Chuck Hughes and I recorded this video because I’m tired of all the scary market propaganda. You got this!

Empowered to Win!

In Up, Down, Even Brutal Sideways Markets

The average closed-trade return for my recommendations during the bear market of 2022 was 151.7%... for the crash of 2008 it was 121.7%.

And when the market was trending, my trade signals produced 684.0%.

My followers have enjoyed monumental profit opportunities for more than 2 decades without a single losing yearclick here and join the fun.

I can’t tell you actual member results, because we don’t know which trades they take or don’t take.

But an accurate close-trade accounting of every trade I recommended between 2008 & 2022… including winners & losers… adds up to an average per-trade return of 244.6%.

And that’s what I mean by Empowered to Win!

We all know past performance doesn’t guarantee future results. But here’s what folks are saying about their experiences up to now…

“My account is up 205.64% in the 10 months since I started with Chuck. Financial security has finally arrived! What a great feeling. We no longer fear running out of money in retirement. It is a great peace of mind.”

-- Terry C., Plattsburgh, NY

I no longer need to worry about losing my "floating log" (AKA job), because now I have a perpetual lifeboat with a high powered motor. My account has already grown 80%! I just wish I had come across Chuck sooner.”

-- Miguel P., Maitland, FL

“Chuck’s strategies changed my life tremendously. I went through a series of financial and other issues and honestly, I don’t know where I would be right now without the Chuck Hughes program.”

--Kevin, Las Vegas Seminar Attendee

The success enjoyed by Terry, Miguel and Kevin isn’t the most spectacular reported by my followers. But, is it typical? I don’t really know; because most traders don’t report their results to us.

But, their overwhelming gratitude, financial confidence, and peace of mind is a very common theme. And that’s why I chose them to share with you.

Empowered to Win is about more than trading profits… It’s about financial security… it’s about alleviating worry… it’s about changing lives.

Empowered to Win is what you want. The video is free. And it only takes a few minutes of your time.

So please, go there now and check it out… Click Here Now.


Chuck Hughes


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DISCLAIMER: Auto-trading, or any third-party -directed type of trading, is not supported or endorsed by Legacy Publishing LLC (“Legacy”). For additional information on auto-trading, you may visit the SEC's website: All About Auto-Trading. The information provided by Legacy Trading Services, newsletters and educational publications ("Services") is not customized or personalized to any particular risk profile or tolerance. Nor is the information published by Legacy a customized or personalized recommendation to buy, sell, hold, or invest in particular financial products. Past performance is not necessarily indicative of future results. Please note that results may not be typical and can vary from person to person. There are inherent risks involved with investing in the stock and options market, including the total loss of your investment. Any investment is at your own risk. You should only trade or invest your "risk capital" – money you can afford to lose.

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