Don't miss these two FREE trade alerts?

FREE trade alerts! One long and one short…
Lance here with an important update. 

Tomorrow, I’ll be hosting a live session, right here, to issue two FREE trade alerts- one long and one short- that could be teeing up nicely for use with my News Flow Scanner software. 

Just to be clear, this unique scanner gives ordinary people a totally new way to trade stock options. 

And it doesn’t involve breakouts, pull backs, candle sticks or momentum

Or ANY other commonly used trading strategy today.
So, there’s no need to feel intimidated when it comes to trading options because it’s fairly straightforward to use. 

Users just read what they see below… 

Then wait for what should be an overnight move in most instances, and close out the trade. 

Some of my most diligent students have used this software and enjoyed a considerable amount of success…

I’ll reveal exact details for each of these trades during my live presentation tomorrow where it’s more appropriate to show them.

Just realize that they were pretty substantial since I’m reluctant to share them here. 

Obviously, I cannot guarantee you future profits or against losses…this is the stock market. 

But I can promise to share everything about my news scanner as well as details about the trades that you see here. 

Tap any of the links in the email to get started.

And I’ll see you during the event tomorrow.
See you there,
Lance Ippolito

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