Want to see three bullish orders?

Everyday folks can target these three bullish orders!
Last year, I set out to teach everyday folks a totally new way to trade options…

A way of trading that has nothing to do with breakouts, pull backs, candle sticks or momentum…

Or ANY other commonly used trading strategy today… 

I wanted to show 500 people how money was actually being made in the stock market…

So, I showed them how to start using this option picking software…

It has a knack for identifying for what could be the market’s biggest overnight moves…24 hours in advance. 

And so far the feedback has been outstanding…

Obviously, I cannot promise your future profits or against losses. 

But I can promise to share all of the exciting details about this news scanner and these particular trades during my training session at the link below… 

Watch my presentation now.
'Til the next trade,
Lance Ippolito
P.S. You’re also going to see three bullish orders that are teeing up for potential trades with the news scanner during this FREE session.

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