A Message from Porter & Company My name is Porter Stansberry. I’m the founder of one of the largest financial research firms in the world. More than 16 million people from 100 countries read our work and over the last 25 years we’ve helped investors navigate almost every major economic cycle. We’ve also been on the forefront of every big tech story from the rise of Bitcoin and MRNA vaccines… to robotics... AI… and much, much more. However, I didn’t think I would ever see another transformation of this immensity in my lifetime. You see, while there have been thousands of new inventions and innovations in almost every field over the last few decades… These are typically incremental and linear. You can see the technology advance from A to B to C. But this… this… is a true paradigm shift. The type that comes along once in a generation. I’m talking about a technology with an impact on par with the printing press, the steam engine, or personal computers. While I’m well aware how hyperbolic this sounds, as you’ll see here, I’m once again willing to stake my reputation and my career on it. And I’m once again willing to bet that those who are on the frontier could potentially make millions over the long run. In fact, it’s already happening. Goldman Sachs says more than 1,600 new millionaires are quietly being anointed every day as a result. But as you’ll see, this is just the beginning… The wealth, prosperity, and innovations that will be fuelled by this could be greater than anything we’ve ever seen before. I don’t expect you to take my word for this though. All I ask is that you watch a few minutes of my new documentary before you decide if I’m crazy or not.  The story involves a new technology that is the cornerstone that many of America’s recent innovations have been built upon… and the future will be built upon too. Yet you’ve likely never heard of it before. Outside of the labs in the world’s most prestigious universities and tech companies, almost nobody has. But those who have… those who can see the writing on the wall… they’re investing billions of dollars, as they know this will transform everything. Marc Andreessen… Ben Horowitz… Elon Musk… Jeff Bezos… Mark Zuckerberg…Jensen Huang… Bill Gates… the list of people pouring money into this technology goes on and on. They know, as I do, that in a few years from now, we will not recognise the world we live in. How we work, live, communicate, transact… it will all be completely upended by what’s coming next. Today, for the first time, I’m going to share it all with you… and I promise you’ve never heard anything like this before.
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