Are you going to lose money this earnings season… Or make money? Well, your chances could be a lot better if you understand this one little earnings season hack. Just by doing one thing, traders could target an average win rate of 66% this earnings season. And with an average of three “Cash Calendar” trades each week, that could add up to quite a sum. I’m holding a free LIVE reveal of this incredible earnings season strategy right now. I’m giving everyone who attends a free copy of the next month’s Cash Calendar. So, make sure you get that by locking in your seat right here. To Better Trading, Alex Reid The profits and performance shown are not typical to any one individual subscriber, we make no future earnings claims, and you may lose money. The trades expressed are from historical data in order to demonstrate the potential of the system. From November 2023 through September of 2024 from the study we have seen a 75% win rate on options with an average return including winners and losers of 66% on an average 24 hour hold time in a model portfolio. |
A Wealthpin Publication |
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