You are receiving this email because you are subscribed to Behind the Markets. If you no longer wish to receive these emails, please unsubscribe here. Dear Reader, Happy Halloween! This is like my favorite holiday. I have young kids, so it’s a lot of fun. Today, I want to talk about a company that is incredibly special to me.  When I grew up in Queens, New York, I grew up on the “wrong side of the tracks.” We were poor growing up, and trick-or-treating was such a big deal for us. Candy. We would have to go across Union Turnpike in Queens to Jamaica Estates… This was like the real rich, fancy neighborhood where, for example, the Trumps lived, and a bunch of other people like that. And we would get the best candy. I remember being a little kid, I would just look at these houses, and wow! Today I am blessed and fortunate enough not to live in a gigantic mansion, it’s just not my style, but I do live in a neighborhood where everybody comes to do trick-or-treating, so it’s very festive. There’s a lot of little kids running around and it’s one of the highlights of my year, frankly. But today’s also Thursday, which is the day that I send out our weekly Takeover Targets issue. I send it out at 2:00 every Thursday and I’m really excited about this one because we had a killer webinar on Tuesday night, which, by the way, I’m still a little tired from because I was up so late. [Here’s the replay if you missed it.] I’m one of those guys who goes to bed about 9:00 p.m. and wakes up at 4:00 a.m. So, if I stay up till 11:00, 12:00, I’m a little “hung over,” it turns out. I’ve reached that age. Yay, lucky me. Anyway, we’re all still excited about this webinar and this company, “Our No. 1 Takeover Target for November” (for 2024, really). And today at 2:00 I’m going to send out an issue to Takeover Targets members talking about it. Talking in-depth about this company is an important one for me. Because this company has all-but “cured” (I hate that word, and hate when people abuse it, but sent patients into remissions with NO trace of cancer for years and years) a scary type of cancer that there hadn’t really been great treatments for. And the company we’re discussing actually just won FDA approval. What it does – and I didn’t know this till I read about it and started getting interested in oncology … It turns out we have cells that are able to attack this type of cancer – a “solid tumor cancer” which makes up 90% of all cancers… And what it does is, if your body has a million cells that attack the cancer, let’s say of those million, only 10,000 of them are really effective “soldiers” at attacking the cancer. So this treatment actually takes out and isolates the most effective of those cells, and then duplicates them by the billions and billions. Then they take those “good soldiers” and then re-inject them into the person, so only those “soldiers” that know how to fight this particular type of cancer are really going after it and kicking some butt. This has been a wildly effective treatment! There have been cases of people who have been completely “cured” – again, I hate to even say that word when we’re talking about such a serious disease, but we’re talking serious remission – remission for years leaving no trace of the cancer. That’s a very big deal. And that makes this treatment and this company very special to me. Because we’ve all lost so many people to cancer. Not only is it a special company, but it has a ton of big upside. And I’m not the only experienced investor who thinks that. There’s a lot of big money, very smart money, guys who are biotech specialists – billionaires and people who’ve made money just in biotech as their circle of competence that are really behind this company. But the real kicker for me, is that this company has what we call a “platform technology.” Meaning that if this treatment works with one type of solid tumor cancer (again, 90% of all cancers), it likely works with other types of solid tumor cancers. And this company has a bunch of other approvals in front of the FDA right now, so it stands to reason that they will win other FDA approvals in the coming months and years. Which really makes this company a PRIME takeover target. And just a gosh-darn good company to own. I mean, most companies that you buy, they’re like quick turnover – you’re indifferent to them. And you certainly don’t want to fall in love with a stock, because that’s foolish. But there are some companies that you say to yourself, “gosh, if I’m going to invest in something, this is a company that’s really trying to make the world a better place.” And we’re not going to just invest in companies that are trying to make the world a better place. We want to make money. That’s how we allocate capital. But this is a company that has big upside for investors, and is trying to make the world a better place. And as I’ve gotten a little bit older, that’s become a little, tiny bit important to me. Basically, if I’m looking at two investments with the same opportunity and risk, and I can choose one, and one of them makes the world a better place, I’m going to invest in that one. I guess that’s one of the benefits of age. Anyway, I hope you watch the replay we’re posting right here. I know it’s expiring soon, and this is one of those that I’m very excited about. If you own Takeover Targets you can expect to hear from me today, at 2:00 eastern, as always. Have a wonderful day and a very Happy Halloween. "The Buck Stops Here,"  P.S. My team said they are taking this replay down as soon as this week. Please don’t wait on my favorite opportunity of the year. The smart money and billionaires are piling in – expecting, as I do, that a takeover is imminent. I’ve made recommendations like this one on a Friday, to see a takeover on Monday. Sometimes they’ve even happened the very next day. Go here now to watch our replay before the link expires! |
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