Kane says, "Don't wait for the massive weekend move"

Start targeting next-day payouts from the market!
According to Kane Shieh, it doesn't matter if the market moves up, down or sideways…

If you take a specific trade 15 minutes before the close, you could have a real shot at a payout the very next day…

Even on days when the market makes ZERO moves.

And if this sounds too good to be true…

Then you're thinking exactly what I'm thinking!

Which is exactly why I'm going live with him right now.

I'll get him to show me real hard PROOF of these fat claims he's making – and you can see it all live!

Even better…

If he backs his claims up beyond doubt, I'll also get him to show you how you can get in on these daily trades.

I admit no one can guarantee anything in the stock market…

But here's the link to join us in the live room right now.

See you there,

Lance Ippolito

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