What Housing Stocks Could Reveal About Your Home

And more importantly… its price

Published: February 11, 2021

These Trades Are on Fire

America's No. 1 premarket trader and WealthPress Head Trader Roger Scott are about to expose something earth-shattering about the stock market… 

It all started with an undercover recording, and now, it has turned into something so much larger. Some are starting to say they've "hacked" the market. 

But all the money is made before the market even opens... 

This new premarket strategy has already handed out 20 wins out of the last 22 trades… posting winner... after winner... after winner since November. 

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What Housing Stocks Could Reveal About Your Home

There's a correlation between what happens on Wall Street and Main Street… 

And Wall Street tends to lead by three to nine months (sometimes even 12 to 18 months depending on the current state of the stock market). 

That said, the housing market on Wall Street is strong right now, and we're seeing the same thing being reflected on Main Street. 

But what does that mean going forward?

We get a lot of questions about the housing market, like: Is my house overvalued? Is it going up too much? Should I sell? So in today's video, we thought we'd answer all of your burning questions. 

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In the past 20 years, we've had two other short squeezes in Tilray and Volkswagen that captured the stock market's collective consciousness. .

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