A man known as "The Weekend Trader" has been using a strange Friday trading strategy that looks to exit the moment the market opens Monday morning…
And has managed to close multiple trades the very next Monday morning very often with some pretty massive returns, including…
- 90% on ZYNGA
- 95% on UAA
- 96% on INTC
- 122% on BOX
- 183% on IBB
- And even a rare 610% whale on CRSR*…
In fact, he's showing traders exactly how small $500 trades could've ballooned into $22,546 in a matter of 4 separate weekends!*
We have never seen anything quite like this…
| | Matt Warder Fortune Research
*Disclaimer: The profits and performance shown are not typical, we make no future earnings claims, and you may lose money. | | | | | |
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