From the Desk of Don Yocham Jeff Zananiri is LIVE right now to discuss the global energy disaster and how it could affect YOU this winter! Energy prices are up 700% in Europe this year… OPEC just cut 2 million barrels of production per day… The strategic petroleum reserves are at 40-year lows... The Nord Stream pipeline… Sabotaged. And now Europeans are cutting down forests at record pace to harvest firewood for the winter! This is NOT the time to sit by and watch your 401k bleed dry. The energy crisis could be the biggest investment opportunity going into 2023 for smart investors who act now. So join Jeff live right now, and he'll show you exactly how he plans to take advantage of the supply shocks in the months to come… And you'll get Jeff’s #1 Energy Play that's been crushing it month after month... For free! (And no, it's NOT a ticker-only stock pick… it's much better) So don’t wait one more second! Get in here! Enjoy, |
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