Yen Plummets To Historic Lows (and how to short every stock in the world)

(we're betting against central planning)

The Yen finally broke above 150, meaning USD $1 is now worth more than 150 Yen.

And there’s no end in sight, as it continues to plummet past lows last seen nearly 25 years ago.

This highlights the futility of central bank intervention. While Central Bankers think they wield the ring of power over price — price always prevails.

And in that spirit, today’s FREE pick has us betting against every stock in the world.

► Watch today's video to get the ticker.

You'll need to know how to play it and that includes a trigger price, target price and stop loss, which you can get by subscribing to The Daily Pick right now for just $9/mo.

📈 24 winners since August 8th — with our latest coming this morning. Why not join us and start putting this market to work for you?📈

Take What The Markets Give You.
Signature Don Yocham
Don Yocham


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