All Signs Point To RECESSION

Even the talking heads can't ignore it…

Today we continued getting data on purchasing managers’ indexes — and they’re all signaling contraction in the manufacturing sector.

We also have some pretty strong signals that job layoffs are continuing at a rapid pace — particularly in the tech sector.

The fact is we’re moving deeper and deeper into a recession… and it’s becoming more and more obvious, even to those talking heads who have been talking about market bottoms all year. (while I’ve been warning you otherwise)

We’re in for a rough ride. And don’t let the market’s recent jump fool you:

The market ripped higher on ONE single statement — among a slew of hawkish statements — that Powell made yesterday in his Fed speech.

And this little spike we’ve seen in markets?

I’m not buying it. I think the market has peaked from it’s little 6 week bull run.

► So for today’s free daily pick, I’m recommending you short the broad market.

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Take What The Markets Give You.
Signature Don Yocham
Don Yocham


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