Have you been living under a rock?

Jack Carter is going LIVE Wednesday to deep dive into this decision…

If you haven't been living under a rock the past few years, you've probably heard of A.I. 

The most recent household company to jump on the A.I train is Google…

Their new chatbot “Bard” can write poems or even draft emails. And in a few years, people think its capabilities will far exceed anything we can think of today! 

Naturally, with this new tool everyone has tried to buy up as much GOOG as they can handle… 

But that is the exact opposite of what you should be doing!

Jack Carter is actually urging you to not make this mistake. 

He believes there is a bigger and better opportunity at hand with the release of Bard that has nothing to do with buying up stock. 

Jack is hosting an URGENT BRIEFING this Wednesday at 12pm ET to explain everything… 

Click here to sign up for Wednesday's event

Oh and try to refrain from buying and GOOG until then… 

Your future self will thank you.

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