Hey Powell…Do You Feel in Charge?

MAR 14 2023

Hey Powell…Do You Feel in Charge?
Incentives Matter

It’s official – the Federal Reserve has lost control.

It can’t keep interest rates high without driving even more deposits out of the banking system.

It can’t cut interest rates without setting the stage for massive inflation.

And, whether on the back of continued interest rate increases or as a result of rising inflation premiums, bond yields are heading higher.

That means more deposit flight, more forced losses on bank balance sheets, and more bailouts.

Powell may say he’s in charge of the situation.

He’s not.

The past weeks regulatory unwinding of Silvergate, Silicon Valley Bank, and Signature Bank have exposed the extreme fragility of a system far too reliant on free money.

The financial press attributes these failures to concentrated deposit bases. Silvergate (SI) banked crypto clients. Silicon Valley Bank (SIVB) catered to high-tech startups. Signature Bank (SBNY) dabbled mostly in real estate.

But I find that attribution superficial because it glosses over the real cause - perverse incentives.

Zero percent short-term interest rates and massive direct COVID stimulus flooded banks with literally trillions of dollars in deposits from 2020 through 2022. Moreover, that deposit boost was preceded by more than a decade of essentially free money.

Couple that confidence in cheap, secure funding with the Dodd-Frank Act that allowed banks to ignore losses on bond holdings, and you get all the incentive you need to leverage a system beyond the breaking point.

But there are systems out there with the right incentives. Systems that thrive no matter who is in charge.

And my friend Jeffry Turnmire is just the person to tell you all about it.

He’s going live tonight at 7 pm ET with all the details you need to protect yourself from fiat’s fouled up incentives.

Take the time to see what Jeffry has to say, and I expect you’ll come away with a solution that puts you back in charge of your money.
Don Yocham, CFA
Run on the banks… This could be bigger

This week, there’s something obscure happening in the stock market…

The S&P 500 is undergoing one of its “rebalancings” – meaning that Wall Street institutions will be forced to buy shares of certain stocks…

And tank the shares of others…

How does it work? And how can you protect yourself?

Click here and I’ll give you exactly what you need to know

It all starts Wednesday… And I’m holding a live session for it (free) at 1pm ET.

See you then,

Jeff Z

Wouldn’t you know, we enter a data heavy week with CPI and PPI data releases setting us up for next week’s FOMC meeting, and the banking system breaks.

Will the Fed stick to its inflation-fighting guns or is this the Great Pivot? Are we back on the inflationary path? Can contagion be contained? It’s a lot to get your head around.

We’ll discuss all this and more at tonight’s “30 Minutes of Awesome”.

Every Tuesday at 5pm ET, I go live on YouTube, discuss the top-of-mind risks you should consider in the week ahead. Plus, I’ll share with you what I am looking for to confirm that the market’s headed higher.

And, as always, I take requests.

Join me this evening at 5pm ET right here

Have Another Chip

Did the world end?

I’m pretty sure the world ended last weekend.


Silicon Valley Bank depositors were guaranteed their money? Regional banks were all going under and then recovered (as of this writing)? 

And the market did a great March 2020 impression and reversed so fast the world’s head spun?


Fortunes seem to be dramatically changing every hour on the hour as the market is whipsawing violently. 

And while it’s doing that, quietly, chip-makers are doing quite well. 

During the Bear Market, the semiconductor sector got hammered. 


Pandemic demand dipped and chip stocks tanked. 

But look at the right side of that chart of the Van Eck Semiconductor ETF (SMH). Since last fall, it’s been rising substantially. 

It is fully in bullish territory.

Which means chip stocks are doing the same. 

Advanced Micro Devices (AMD) is a volatile big name that traders love to trade. They ride it when it’s hot and drop it when it’s cold. 

And it’s warming up now. 

A break above $88.95 could lead to a big move.


Chip stocks like AMD were dead and buried.

But now it’s alive and surging. We’ll keep an eye on it.

Happy trading,
This Week On “Roundtable with Don Yocham”...
Are we back to QE forever? Will the Fed exercise its put? Join me and my guests Jeff Zananiri and Garrett Baldwin for a special “Banking Crisis” session right here

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